
Elementary Classrooms

Page history last edited by Thomas Boito 10 years, 8 months ago

Links for Elementary Teachers -


If you Give a Mouse a Cookie A little mouse shows up at a young man's house. The young man gives the mouse a cookie and starts a chain of events. The lesson focuses primarily on the economic questions of wants and needs. (6/13/14 10:03)


One Hen provides educators with flexible curriculum resources to teach kids financial responsibility, personal initiative, global awareness, and giving back. A series of interactive lesson plans, an engaging storybook, and a website of games and activities challenge K-8 students to start their own small businesses. In the process, they learn necessary skills in business math, personal financial literacy, and social entrepreneurship. (5/17/14 09:56)


Interactive Fraction Wall - Explore Fraction, Decimals & Percentages Fraction walls present a way to teach about fractions. In a fraction wall each row or layer of the wall represents one whole. The layers are divided into a number of bricks and each brick represents a fraction whose denominator is equal to the number of bricks in that layer. Each brick can be turned on or off by clicking it. This wall also allows the display of decimal and percentage values. To the right of the wall are boxes, which can be hidden, that show the fraction of the wall that has been turned on. (4/26/14 08:54)


Math & Movement™ shows you how using movement as part of your math teaching can help kids learn more, retain more and gain valuable basic skills while exercising their bodies as well as their minds. Using simple techniques and fun exercises, you can introduce the fundamentals of arithmetic and early algebra concepts to children of all ages. (4/12/14 15:10)


Grouping and Grazing Help the alien spaceship move cows into corrals by counting, adding, and subtracting. This activity helps children learn grouping, tally marks, and place value. As they master counting, they can move on to adding and subtracting two-digit numbers. (1/25/14 10:32)


News-O-Matic offers children from 7 to 11 their first daily newspaper! The editorial team produces five news stories each day, covering the latest in world news, science, sports, as well as the wacky stories kids love. (1/10/14 11:08)


Get Physical covers a wide range of topics in physics and explains them in a way that kids ages 7-11 can readily understand. Study electricity, sound, light, friction, and magnets with experiments for home or school, vocabulary, a quiz, worksheets, and an image bank. (11/30/13 10:06)


Explore Recycle City to see how the people of the town reduce waste, use less energy, and even save money by doing simple things at home, at work, and in their neighborhoods. (11/23/13 09:49)


National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum-Diamond R Ranch Raisin' up the next generation of cowboys requires courage and grit and a spirit that'll never quit! This children's web site joins Cowboy Jack and Dusty Trails to teach and entertain as little buckaroos enjoy a visual ride through the museum and interact with cowboys from the Diamond R Ranch to learn the code cowboys live by....honesty, integrity and plain hard work. (8/17/13 09:57)


Harcourt Multimedia Math Glossary is a tool for students, teachers, and parents to use to understand math vocabulary. Choose a grade level (K-6), then choose the math term you want defined. The word will be pronounced and defined, including visual media. (6/22/13 09:27)


Illuminations: Concentration Review many math concepts with this great interactive game for early and intermediate elementary students. Review the recognition of the Arabic and written form of numbers, shapes, multiplication, fractions and percentages. The games can be played alone or with two players. Several variations of each game on each level will provide a lot of practice. (6/8/13 09:50)


Mr Thorne Does Phonics is filled with videos teaching all aspects of phonics. Mr. Thorne, with his charming English accent, sometimes works with Geraldine the Giraffe and sometimes by himself to introduce letter sounds, digraphs, and trigraphs, consonant blends, and grammar. He is entertaining, accurate, brief, and he certainly does not talk down to children. Links to apps for Mr. Thorne’s Spellbook are also included. (3/16/13 10:11)


GoNoodle by HealthTeacher, the interactive leader in youth health, creating games, apps, and educational resources to make health awesome for kids. HealthTeacher's research-based products are designed to get kids moving and to develop healthy behaviors that last a lifetime. HealthTeacher’s interactive products are used by teachers, parents, and kids to address important youth health issues, including physical activity, nutrition, and social and emotional well-being. (3/16/13 09:42)


Probability and Statistics K-6 covers 17 objectives. On each page is the objective, followed by a problem, a manipulative-type activity, and a game. Some activities require special cards, spinners etc. (3/2/13 10:05)


National Museum of Dentistry: MouthPower Online teaches about teeth cleaning and why healthy food choices are important to dental health. Watch how permanent teeth grow, forcing out your baby teeth. See how dental instruments have changed through the years. After users visit all the activities in the laboratory, they earn a certificate of achievement. (2/22/13 09:51)


Footsteps2Brilliance supports early reading success through a curriculum designed around the use of ebooks. Because these books are accessible from any computer or using the iOS app, students can work with the books both in school and at home which is a plus for home-school connections and continued reading support. (2/9/13 09:56)


Elementary students can practice their understanding of Food Chains with this interactive quiz. Drag and drop the pictures in six different series to see if you know where the organisms rank on the food chain. There is instant assessment and if you miss anything, you can retake the quiz. (2/2/13 10:09)


Word Raider is an adventure-themed game where students master academic vocabulary typically found on state standards, standardized exams, and academic word lists. Word Raider is designed for all learners, particularly English learners and struggling readers. Word Raider can be played in school, after school, and at home! (1/26/13 10:28)


Tumbletown Mathletics is a fast paced Flash game that will test a variety of mathematic skills. Practice fractions, counting money, understanding spatial relationships, perimeter measurement, and basic arithmetic calculations such as adding, subtracting, simple multiplying and dividing while earning points. There are five increasingly difficult levels to this interactive game.(1/26/13 10:08) 


This set of 25 free flash-based interactive math resources to use on your interactive whiteboard is from Dreambox. They are suitable for KS1 and lower KS2 (Grades K-4) Games include Numbers 1-10, 1-20, Matching Number pairs, Ordering Fractions, and fraction addition. Plus many more! These will work on any iwb or even with just a projector. (1/18/13 13:02)


Older Resources 1 | Older Resources 2


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